PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala
— Dr. Ajay Krishna P B.A.M.S
One important thing that happens in PCOS is that the body produces too much of a hormone called androgen. This hormone kind of stops the ovaries from making eggs the right way. As a result, the eggs don’t form properly and aren’t released as they should be, which can lead to problems with getting pregnant.
So, in simple words, PCOS is a condition where hormones get mixed up and cause a bunch of issues like irregular periods, weight gain, and problems with making babies because the eggs in the ovaries don’t grow and come out like they’re supposed to.
What Causes PCOS According To Ayurveda
In the context of Ayurveda, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is primarily associated with an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. According to Ayurvedic principles, all three doshas play crucial roles in the menstrual cycle of females. Vata dosha is responsible for the movement of ovarian follicles, while Pitta dosha influences hormonal actions. Kapha dosha, with its cooling and nourishing qualities, provides essential nutrition to the follicles.
PCOS in Ayurveda is perceived as a condition where an excess of Kapha dosha obstructs the pathways of Vata and Pitta doshas. This imbalance initially affects the digestive power, leading to the accumulation of impurities and toxins in the body. Cysts form due to the accumulation of these impurities in the rasa (plasma) and rakta (blood) tissues.
The imbalance in the doshas, particularly the dominance of Kapha and its blocking effect on Vata and Pitta, disrupts the delicate hormonal balance and proper nutrient supply to the ovarian follicles. This can result in irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalances, and the formation of ovarian cysts.
- Weight Gain
- Menstrual Irregularities
- Anovulation
- Hirsutism
- Depression and Anxiety
- Skin Discolouration
- Acne and Baldness
Ayurveda PCOS treatment: Is There Any Permanent Cure?
The treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) requires a personalized approach due to the variations in symptoms among individuals. In Ayurveda, maintaining a balanced state of doshas is essential for good health. Any disturbance in this balance can lead to the manifestation of diseases.
This derangement of doshas is directly linked to the appearance of symptoms, and this relationship between doshas and symptoms is consistent and permanent. The treatment approach involves both Shamana Chikitsa (conservative management) and Shodhana Chikitsa (purification treatment). Initially, the focus is on improving digestion and enhancing metabolism through Shamana Chikitsa. Subsequently, Shodhana Chikitsa, which includes Panchakarma (purification therapy), is administered.
Shamana Chikitsa (Conservative Management)
Internal medications
With the proper assessment of physical condition of each individual patient by experienced doctors, authentic ayurvedic formulations are prescribed.
Which includes,
- Kashaya (Decoction)
Decoction obtained by boiling course powder or Dried Drugs .
- Asava and Arishta (fermented preparations)
Drugs will be mixed with the required amount of water and kept for a fermentation process of 15 to 45 days with ( for Arishta) or without (for Asava)boiling)
- Gulika (Tablets)
Is a tablet form they are made by rolling medicinal pastes into balls and drying with use of drier
- Choornam (Powder)
Take enough quantity of dried Drugs and are cleaned properly , and made into powder by grinding and filtering.
- Ghrita (Medicated Ghee)
Ghee is processed by the drugs that are suitable for the treatment.
Shodhana Chikitsa (Purification treatment)
Authentic and well planned panchakarma treatments along with correct administration of internal medications can cure low back pain effectively.
Panchakarma treatments include,
- Deepana,Pachana (Improving digestive power)
- Snehana (Oil administration)
- Swedana ( Perspiration )
- Vamana (Emesis)
- Virechana (Purgation)
- Basti (Enema)
- Nasya (Nasal medication)
Sneha means oily substances and the therapies or medications to give an unctuous or oily effect in the body is called Snehana.It is done in two ways ,internally by oral intake of medicated oily substances and externally by abhyanga.
Sweda means sweat.
therapies done using steam or heat for cleansing of the body through perspirations is called Swedana.
Swedana includes,
- Pinda sweda (kizhi)
- Kaya seka (pizhichil,dhara etc.)
- Drava sweda (steam,nadi sweda)
- Upanaha (bandaging)
Abhyanga (oil application) and different kinds of steaming methods can improve the circulation and strengthen the back muscles.
These are the main pre-procedures of Panchakarma.
One of the major procedures in panchakarma,best to treat Kapha Dosha involving diseases.
Vamana is defined as the process in which Doshas are eliminated by emesis.
Is one among the panchakarma. Ideal and best for elimination of pitta dosha.
Orally administered medicine acts on internal physiology and expels the toxins and wastes occurs as the bowel passes multiple times.
Basti (enema) treatment is considered to be a prime treatment among the Panchakarma.
In which the drugs are administered through the anal route.
Basti includes,
- Kashaya basti
- Sneha basti
Administration of medicine or medicated oil through the nose is known as Nasya
- Marsha
- Pratimarsha
Through this way we can treat PCOS. and By follow Proper Diet , Proper Exercise etc. we can restrict its recurrence upto an Extent.
Lifestyle Changes to Cure PCOS According to Ayurveda
PCOS is a Life Style Related disorder. In Ayurveda, the concept of “ahara” or food as medicine holds great significance. Consuming the right foods at the appropriate times is integral to maintaining good health. This is why the dietary aspect of treatment occupies a central role in Ayurveda. According to Ayurvedic principles, health and disease are influenced by three major factors: “Oushada” (medicines), “Ahara” (diet), and “Vihara” (lifestyle).
Ahara (diet)
- Green leafy vegetables,
- Have food only feel hungry
- Take easily digestible food
- Moderate quantity of fish meat (if you are okay with non veg food) Healthy fat like ghee (in very little quantity)
- Olive oil
- Almonds, walnuts, beans, nuts, pecans, flax seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds
- Buttermilk-Fat-less buttermilk improves digestion strength
- beans, beets, lentils, spinach, asparagus, avocado, cooked broccoli, orange
- Avoid Dairy products.
- Avoid food that which Heavy to Digest
- Avoid fast food bakery items and Sugar.
- Do Proper Vyayam (Exercise)
- Do Yogasana
- Do Pranayama
- Follow proper Dinacharya And Rithucharya
Which Yoga Asanas Are Recommended for PCOS
Yoga can be beneficial for managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Certain yoga poses can be particularly helpful, but it’s important to practice them under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Here are some poses that are often recommended:
- Sarvangasana
Help to improve our Blood Circulation and Digestion
- Matsyasana
Which may Stimulate Endocraine glands
Manage Menstrual pain
Relieves Stress
- Ardha Matsyendrasana
Provide better sleep
Reduce Stress
Help to manage Anxiety and Depression
- Paschimottanasana
Help to relieve the Symptoms of Menopause and Menstrual Discomfort.
Stimulate Ovaries and utreus
- Surya Namaskar
Ensure Regular Menstration
Reduced Stress
Provide better sleep
Ensure Better Fuctioning of Digestive System
- Ustrasana
Helps Over come Menstrual Discomfort
Improve Digestion
Is Ashwagandha good for PCOS?
Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic Herbal medicine is commonly known as indian winter cherry or indian Ginseng and its Scientific Name Withania somnifera In ayurveda Ashwagandha is classified as Rasayana (Rejuvination)property
Benefits of Ashwagandha ,
- Balance your Cortisol Level
- Improve your sleep
- Reduce your Anxiety
- Balance Blood Sugar
- Balance Moodswings
Ashwagandha avoid pregnent ladies and breast feeding mother. Use only after proper consultation by a certified doctor.
What Makes Dheemahi Special in Ayurvedic PCOS Treatment?
Our dedicated team of expert doctors is here to offer you personalized consultations that prioritize your health and well-being. At Dheemahi Ayurveda, we hold your health as our utmost concern,which is why we pay close attention to your health worries.Dheemahi Ayurveda is 100% result oriented with the knowledge of the past 5 generations,Is an authentic and traditional Ayurveda Hospital.We know that every patient is unique, and that’s why we emphasize daily consultations , This helps our skilled doctors really look into your health worries and it help them to manage properly.For chronic diseases – routine follow-up check-up is also an essential requirement which cannot be ignored.
In the case of therapies needed for the relief of the symptoms the supervision of a doctor is very much important.Dheemahi facilitates supervision of our doctors in every Panchakarma therapies with exact documentation of your treatment schedule.
Having a healthy mind is just as important as having a healthy body to lead a good life. The peaceful environment at Dheemahi Ayurveda plays a significant role in helping people recover from illnesses.
Get your online medical consultation with an expert doctor before booking.
The unique approach involves a series of discussion during your initial decision-making process to make sure that we will be able to match your expectations with our treatment. Based on the discussions with you our team of expert doctors will design the best treatment package personalized for your needs.
How our booking process works
Medical Questionnaire
Fill our Medical Questionnaire, after that we will get back to you via email/phone.
Discussion with Doctor
Discuss your health condition and expectations with our doctor.
Important Information
Carefully read all the important information.
Confirm the booking by making a payment of 50% advance.
Dheemahi Ayurveda centre is recognized by Government of Kerala
The medicines we use comes from our own GMP certified herbal pharmacy.
One of the best ayurvedic hospital in kerala for classical panchakarma treatment
Daily yoga sessions of an expert yoga guru
All our attendants and therapists are certified as well as given in-house training by our Doctors to learn our way of therapies
In-house kitchen team serves the best authentic, healthy and fresh ayurvedic food
We offer you the best ayurvedic wellness centre experience
In house training sessions led by doctors on ayurveda lifestyle
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Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 6860000
Dheemahi Ayurvedic Centre, Near Neelimangalam Bridge, Kumaranaloor, Perumbaikad.P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 686016
Call Us Anytime: +91 80 4717 2727
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