Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment in Kerala
One of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala for ayurvedic pregnancy care treatment
One of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala for ayurvedic pregnancy care treatment
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Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment
Ayurveda always places significant emphasis on maternal care throughout the various stages of pregnancy. It recognizes the essential role of women in procreation and the continuation of the human species.” it is the women who procreates children and propagates the human species. Dharma ( righteous), Artha ( wealth), Lakshmi ( auspiciouness), and Loka ( the entire universe) are represented in every women. Ayurveda offers holistic approaches to support the health and well-being of the mother before, during, and after pregnancy, considering the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of maternal health.Ayurveda regards women and her ability to produce and care for children as the basis of family life which , in turn, is the very foundation of society. Thus, this traditional system of medicine aims to ensure a healthy and harmonious start for both the mother and child.
When it comes to pregnancy care in Ayurveda, it starts from the moment when one wish to have a child. Ayurvedic holistic approach to pregnancy and childbirth underscores the importance of various factors in ensuring a healthy and harmonious process. It acknowledges the significance of the quality of the seed
(ovum and sperm) and the ideal environment provided by the mothers uterus for the development of the embryo. Guidelines for correct sexual intercourse are also generally outlined. Young women less than 16 years of age and boys under 20 years of age boys should not bear children. Nature does not support pregnancy nor family life begun during Brahmacharya period i.e., student years, ages birth to 20. The husband, parents, siblings and other family members are advised to oversee the pregnant women diet and encourage them to involve in activities that are healthy and enjoyable to her and sametime beneficial for the child developing in her body. Pregnancy care in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic recommendations touch upon the diet, behaviour, activities and even the spiritual actions of not only the mother but the entire family and social surrounding into which the child born.
General rules of pre- natal care, natal care, post nat care are also well explained and was practiced by our Acharyas and ancestors. Thus, Ayurveda considers all these aspects to create a balanced and harmonious environment for the mother and child during pregnancy and childbirth. It’s a comprehensive approach that aims to promote not only physical health but also mental and spiritual well-being for both the mother and the family. That’s one reason why still Pregnancy care according Ayurveda is so well practised and accepted in Kerala.
Pregnancy care according to Ayurveda is well known as Prasava raksha (pregnancy care) which includes the antenatal care, post natal care and all.
Prenatal Care In Ayurveda
The information regarding the general management of pregnancy is found in both the Charaka and Sushrutha Samhita under the subject of “Garbhini Vyakarana”. Here in this Garbhini Vyakaran there are certain chapters where general management of a pregnant lady, Specific management in each month of pregnancy, diseases or difficulties that faced by Pregnant lady and their management and many other practical pieces of advises are also well explained. Along with that guidelines regarding diet and regimens that to be followed by a Pregnant lady is also well explained.
The Physician is cautioned to be very vigilant while managing a pregnant women. It says that “ If a cup filled with oil right upto brim is to be carried without spilling even a single drop, that much cautiousness to be there during the pregnancy period every step has to be taken carefully”.
From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed, the woman is to be counselled to follow certain guidelines of living, because the improper diet and lifestyle are responsible for the genesis of unhealthy baby.The Ayurvedic physician gently offers supervision from the very beginning, even before the actual conception of the child the preparation is done so that the pregnancy can terminate in a normal delivery after a normal period of gestation.
During the first trimester;
Ayurveda emphasises the importance of stabilising the pregnancy and nurturing the uterine environment by focusing on the rasa (plasma) and rakta (blood) dhatus. It’s believed that the embryo is nourished directly through percolation (upsnehan). As a result, Ayurvedic recommendations often include a diet with more jaleeya (liquid) substances like juicy fruits, coconut water, milk, and other similar items to support this early stage of pregnancy. This approach seeks to optimise maternal and foetal health.
The dietary guidelines you’ve mentioned are in accordance with traditional Ayurvedic recommendations for different stages of pregnancy:
- In the first month, sipping cold milk along with meals and eating only in the morning and evening (i. e., taking light but intaking enough food intermittently )is advised. Tandulodaka, which is water from washing rice, is suggested. This diet focuses on simple and easily digestible foods.
- In the second month, the emphasis shifts to warm milk decoctions medicated with sweet herbs like Vidari, Sarkara (cane juice), Shatavari, Yasthimadhu, Brahmi, which are considered jivaneeya (life-supporting) and garbhasthapak (helping maintain implantation). Honey and ghee are also recommended, as they are known for their nourishing properties.
- In the third month, it recommends warm milk with added honey and ghee ( honey and gheen is not in equal quantity and honey is not added in warm milk), along with the ground rind of amalaki fruits mixed with cold water.
- During the fourth month, as fetal development progresses, the mother’s cravings become more noticeable. Ayurveda suggests fulfilling these cravings as long as they are not unreasonable, taking into consideration the needs of both the mother and the fetus. Shankhpushpi, gulkand, and brahmi are recommended to help calm the nerves and support pregnancy.
- During fifth month,ghee taken out directly from milk ( without subjecting to fermentation leading to formation of curd) is advised by acharyas.
- During sixth month and seventh month, ghee taken out directly from milk and boiled with Madhuraoushadis ( certain selected drugs having sweet taste) should be given.
- From the fifth to the seventh months, the emphasis is on plant preparations that strengthen uterine muscles and provide nourishment to the embryo. Ashwagandha and Guduchi are highlighted for their beneficial effects on the placenta, uterine tissues, and the umbilical cord. The diet should include rice, milk, butter, and ghee, as well as orange or yellow fruits like mangoes, apples, carrots, and amalaki. Leafy vegetables are also advised during this period.
- From the eighth month forward, diet should be in such a way that, there should be less fat, less salt and less water in the diet. It doesn’t means less water means to be no water to be intaken it means, Acharyas recommends rice kanji cooked in milk with a little ghee sand pregnant women should take milk if its possible.
After the completion of the eighth month, herbs which are mild diuretics in nature and at the same time urinary antiseptics such as punarnava, gokshura and sariva, are advised to intake.Fennel seed powder in small quantities intaking are also recommended because of its mild carminative and anti-spasmodic nature.
Other Regimens And Treatment
- During the seventh month, as the abdominal skin begins to become stretched giving rise to striations and itching and that condition called (kikism). This can be treated by applying butter medicated with manjistha, the application of the pulp of sandalwood and lotus or of a paste made of neem, turmeric and manjistha, or oil medicated with tulsi leaves or jasmine and by taking sips of the infusion of jujube berries and all which helps to prevent the condition upto an extent
- From seventh month, breasts and abdomen should anointed with the paste of chandana ( sandalwood), lotus stalk and some other drugs are used for applying. This isto done for preventing the irritations like itching, burning sensation caused by stretching of abdomen muscles.
- During ninth month, anuvasana vasti ( oil enema) is advised by acharyas for ease the delivery, or Pichu ( cotton swabs soaked) in medicated oils is also advised, but generally nowadays its done only if its necessary and done under medical supervision..
Postpartum Care In Ayurveda
Transition into motherhood is one of the challenging transition period and experience for every women, especially if its their first child.
However , we can’t overlook that becoming a mother can be challenging. It comes with various health complications and hormonal imbalances, which affect both physical and mental changes. The postnatal period or Puerperium is called “Sutika kala”by acharyas,The duration of Sutikakala is usually a period that extends one to one and half month (45 days).post- natal care or postpartum care is really an important phase in Pregnancy care. Great emphasis has been laid on postnatal care i.e. Sutika Paricharya, as during this period, she restores her health. If proper care is not taken during the postnatal period, her health deteriorates. The first three months after delivery is very important for the mother. During this period, the expanded uterus shrinks back to normal position, ligaments, muscles, and tendons associated with uterus start gaining back the lost power.
Thus the first 6 weeks is the active care given to the new born mother that focuses on restoring the mother physically and mentally that have been exhausted during pregnancy and delivery and prepare her to take care of herself and her new born.
Aim Of Ayurvedic Postpartum Care.
- To re- establish the digestive and metabolic state ( Agni) of the body.
- Normalize the vata dosha, which may vitiated after the delivery
- Normalise the physiological functions and strengthening of lax muscles and ligaments, especially around abdomen.
- To avoid exertion.
- To prevent the complaints during Sutika kaala such as UTI, Backache, Loss of appetite, Thirst, Anxiety, Anger, Disturbed sleep, Depression, etc Ayurvedic postnatal care based on season and place, and health of the patient.
- To ensure good quantity and quality of breast milk
- Rearranging a diet and lifestyle that apt for mother and supports her health.
Child birth is not only draining, but also leads to elevate Vata Dosha. As a result, the mother may experience digestive issues like constipation, acidity, bloating, indigestion etc.
- Palatable foods of liquid or semisolid consistency foods are more preferred which inclusive of all 6 tastes to be included.
- Hydration needs to be ensured by drinking a good amount of warm water or fresh fruit juice can be preferred.
- Fresh foods that are easy to digest with ghee and mild spices are recommended.
- Warm milk with ghee is good for enhancing lactation and ensuring sleep also.
- Includes fresh and seasonally available fruits and vegetables in diet.
- Includes pepper cumin seeds like ingredients which act as carminatives and also helps to improve digestion and thus prevents indigestion and bloating.
Lifestyle for Postpartum Care
- Taking proper rest is the best way to regain health and is the best friend during the first two weeks.
- Mild abhyanga (oil massage) with medicated oils which pacifies Vata dosha in the body is preferred mostly.
- Taking a sitz bath in decoctions or atleast warm water is also good for healing the wounds caused during surgery.
- Adopting good hygiene practices to ensure the optimal breast and genital health.
Yoga During Pregnancy Period
During pregnancy its important to stay active while also prioritizing rest. Prenatal yoga not only provides the chance to get touch with your body as you build strength, it improves flexibility, helps to developes a balance both physically and mentally and thus ease pregnancy symptoms and thus creates a postive mental patterns.it also helps to adapt all the changes that occur during pregnancy.
First Trimester Yoga Poses
During the first trimester, eventhough much stressful postures that found difficult to practise is not much good like some yoga poses with much forward bends and backward bends to be avoided.
During the first trimester
one should avoid;
- Intense backbends, twists and excessive forward bends
- Strong or forceful abdominal contractions.
- Jumping, hopping, bouncing etc,
- Hot yoga
- Inversions
Can practise;
- Janu shirshasana
- Marjarasana
- Pranayamas
- Shavasana
- Suryanamskara
Second Trimester Yoga Poses
one should avoid;
- Intense backbends, twists and excessive forward bends
- Strong or forceful abdominal contractions.
- Jumping, hopping, bouncing etc,
- Hot yoga
- Inversions
- Lying on back or your right side.
Can practise;
- Badha konasana
- Balasana
- Trikonasana
- Suryanamaskara
- Pranayamas
Third-trimester Yoga poses
Because at this trimester baby is now taking up more space, you may feel more difficulties in breathing and moving with ease, so always go for easy, gentle and rest movements.
In the third trimester
should avoid;
- Intense backbends, twists and excessive forward bends
- Strong or forceful abdominal contractions.
- Jumping, hopping, bouncing etc,
- Hot yoga
- Inversions
- Lying on back or your right side
- Arm balances
Can practise;
- Virabhadrasana
- Sukhasana
- Parsva Shavasana
- Pranayamas
Pregnancy demands a lot from body , and one should always pay attention to your needs from day to day. One day a pose may feel fine, and the next day it may feel uncomfortable or even painful. Thus, be sure to body that if you feel any sort of discomfort or pain , either modify the pose or avoid the exercise.
Always talk with your doctor about any exercises you planned to do during the pregnancy period and always practise yoga under a certified yoga instructor.
What Happens To Your Body After Delivery
For women, the first few months after delivery are crucial, especially as the expanded uterus shrinks back to its normal size. Thus the initial week after delivery is very important in the Postnatal period. Both mother and baby need attention and special care.
Soon after delivery, mothers uterus starts involution and lactation starts to begin, mothers mental health will be little unstable due to sudden hormone changes and pain, physical changes and phases through they gone.
Since process of delivery is caused mainly due to the acgivity of Vata dosha. Hence Vata will be immensely increased after delivery. Thus affecting digestion, strength, immunity, of mother. Hence in Ayurveda, during post natal care a special care to balance Vata dosha is more focused and at the same time to provide strength to mother and newborn child is considered and much care is advised.
Causes Of Back Pain in Females After Delivery
Postpartum Back pain is very common. The physical and hormonal changes that contributed to Back pain during pregnancy is related to numerous factors, but main factor is Vata dosha kopa ( predominance of Vata dosha) during the entire period of pregnancy. In some women begin to experience the back pain with the onset of pregnancy itself and last even after pregnancy with the same intensity or even in worsen state. Its mainly because of lack of proper antenatal and post natal care during the time period of pregnancy.
What Is Postpartum Back Pain?
Many women experience back stiffness and soreness after giving birth, and its normal to experience it since Back pain induced during the pregnancy period and after delivery gets relieved within few weeks of months after the delivery of child. Back pain after a C- section is also possible. Since it typically takes longer to recover from a c- section than it does to recover from a vaginal birththan it does to recover from a vaginal birth.
Main Causes Of Postpartum Back Pain Are;
- Expansion of uterus during Pregnancy period which streched and weakened your abdominal muscles and altered your posture, which put strain on your back leads to back pain.
- Extra weight during pregnancy not only means more work for the muscles but also increased stress on your joints.
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy that prepared body to give birth loosened the joints and ligaments that attach your pelvis to spine also becomes a cause for back pain.
- Other factors also come into play during the postpartum period, too. Like not using good postures while breast feeding, by giving more focused on getting baby to latch on correctly that hunch over, straining neck and upper back muscles while looking down during feeding.
In Ayurveda as, Vata prakopa is the main reason for back pain and Predominance of Vata Dosha along with vitiation will be there after Pregnancy and hence treatments and measures to bring back the normalcy f Vata doshas along with other tridoshas are been taken and practised through Pathya Ahara Vihara Seva ( right Diet and Lifestyle Regimens) along with that, intaking some internal medications and undergoing some treatments like Panchakarma by the advise and under supervision of an Ayurvedic Physician also good to relieve the back pain and also to bring back the normalcy in both physical and mental state of mother.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes For Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy care starts and end from Diet and lifestyle changes and that itself is needed and vital one throughout the pregnancy period. Eventhough Acharyas ( Ayurvedic scholars) mentioned and explained about diet and regimens that to be followed during each month of pregnancy,
There are some general rules to be followed from inception of pregnancy to delivery, they are;
The mother should;
- Try to maintain a cheerful mood
- Be clean, neat and well dressed
- Dress in simple clothes and ornaments
- Always engage in activities that is peaceful and that make the mind joy and happy.
- Always sit and rest under clean environment
- The food she eats should be delicious to her, must be nourishing, consists of six rasa ( six tastes).
Mother should avoid;
- Overeating, fasting.
- Travelling for long periods.
- Intaking dry, stale, fermented foods, heavy, hot or strong potency foods
- Intaking of alcohol and other addictive agents from diet.
- Lifting heavy objects
- Holding natural urges like yawning, micturation, urge to aefecate, etc
- Doing excessive exercises.
- Sexual intercourse.
- Maintaining poor hygiene.
How Much Does Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment Cost?
As the treatments are varying according to the present condition, comfort and availability of time of mother, Treatments and internal medications are chosen by an Ayurveda physician after proper consultation. And thus cost and duration of treatments may vary from person to person according to the treatments that they are undergoing. But when packages are provided which will be easy for choose according to the budget range. Before going to chose one package and centre for treatment always looks for the Authenticity and value for the treatment that they are providing since pregnancy care is not only for the single mother it affects the child too.Relevance of treatment and authenticity always to kept before chosing a place for Pregnancy care .
What Is The Duration of Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment?
In Ayurveda pregnancy care right starts from the moment of planning for a child and it continues even after the delivery of the child.
And Garbhini paricharya (taking care of pregnant women) and Garbhini Vyakarna it’s something that is more than beyond a treatment in Ayurveda.
As it starts from diet and daily regimens and including some external and internal treatments and to be continued even after the delivery of child, when it totally calculates the duration of pregnancy care it will be more than 10 months.
But when it comes post- natal care or postpartum care giving a proper rest and much self care for that period of pregnancy which helps a lot in motherhood and helps to prevent further complications that caused due to pregnancy and delivery like low back pain, lethargy etc, upto an extent and it also helps in improving lactation and thus enhances the child’s health along with mother.
Usually postnatal care is done for regaining the normalcy and strength of body and mind which includes the diet and other regimens that to follow till months along with that undergoing treatments that advised in Ayurveda which includes dhara, abhyangam ( body massage with medicated oils), veth kuli (medicated bath), Udara veshtanam (abdomen bandage) and other treatments which been advised on the basis of analysis of condition by physician. And thus duration of treatments will be decided by the physician after proper analysis after consultation. Usually a minimum of number of days treatment should be taken as it is necessary for both mother and child, which may be extended by the comfortable and availability of time of the patient.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment
The traditional Ayurvedic tactics that help in mother and babys health and well- being while also giving prevention from further complications and disease and also keeping the Prana and Apana vata in balance.
Other than these other benefits are;
Mothers cravings should be favoured: The most crucial piece of advice is to eat what you naturally want which is healthy too.Maintain a well- balanced diet that includes enough quantities of protien,vegetables and healthy carbohydrates in each meal.Internal medications are necessary during pregnancy period, especially in prenatal and postnatal period, which helps to give nourishment for mother and child at the same time. It resolves the complications and problems which usually faced during pregnancy period upto an extent.
Dhara with Dhanyamlam is done in postpartum care treatments to relieve excessive water retention and swelling which usually done before Abhyangam.
Abhyangam ( oil massage) on daily basis after 7 months in pregnancy period where mild abhyangam is advised and and in postpartum period. In addition to feeling relaxed, abhyangam has several other benefits including muscular discomforts such as leg cramps, muscular tensions where by increasing the circulation it alleviates the discomfort.and also for prevention of stretch marks and also helps to ease out the delivery and strengthen the structures after delivery also.At the same time it helps in balancing vitiated Vata upto an extent.
While other procedures like Udara Veshtanam ( bandaging the abdomen) in post partum period – it usually done within one to two weeks after normal vaginal delivery, while in caesarian section, it is advised only after healing of stiches.Udara veshtana, helps to give support for stretched abdomen and also helps to give support for lumbar area too.And by Veth kulli ( medicinal steam bath)- which done as a part of postpartum care, helps to relieve the body pain caused by alleviated Vata Dosha after Pregnancy.
And some other treatments like Kizhi ( potulance with medicinal powder or herbs) according to the condition of patient it been chosen by physician
Some other rejuvenation therapies like Njavara Thepp ( application of Njavara paste)- which usually done at the last stage of Postpartum care helps in rejuvenation by helping bring back the normalcy of Vata dosha.
Other than these according to the condition and presenting complaints if present like, in some ladies usually have low back ache presents for some other problems like haemarhoids present so on the basis of condition of physician go for further pregnancy care treatments according to that.
All the treatments and along with that internal medications that intaking during and after pregnancy is mainly focussed on Vata dosha , because of its importance and having much vital role is playing during the Pregnancy period and postpartum period too.
Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment At Dheemahi Ayurveda
Pregnancy care Treatment and Ayurveda is quite familiar in India and well practised and followed especially in Kerala. But often people misunderstand and always misleads with pregnancy care according to Ayurveda as by just intaking some sort of set of medicines which been mostly suggested by people who are not at all aware about what the real Ayurveda concept is and how to use, on what basis a medicine and treatment should undergo, on which stage a medicine is supposed to intake, etc, thus these type of suggestive treatments and self medications often ends up with complications than giving in good results and also affect the feeding child also. Thus a proper guidance by a certified physician is needed in Pregnancy care. Hence for medicines, the same sort of diet and regimens and treatment doesn’t suit. Here comes the relevance of authenticity and trust.
Dheemahi Ayurveda is dedicated and reliable place for traditional Ayurvedic treatments with the knowledge of past five generations. Having knowledge spanning of five generations are valuable for providing holistic health and vitality solutions. Since we are having our own pharmacy and medicine manufacturing unit, we can ensure the quality of medicines simultaneously with assurance in cure percentage and treatment authinticty. Our proffessional team helps you to achieve complete state of healthy and vitality.
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The unique approach involves a series of discussion during your initial decision-making process to make sure that we will be able to match your expectations with our treatment. Based on the discussions with you our team of expert doctors will design the best treatment package personalized for your needs.
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Medical Questionnaire
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Discussion with Doctor
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Important Information
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Dheemahi Ayurveda centre is recognized by Government of Kerala
The medicines we use comes from our own GMP certified herbal pharmacy.
One of the best ayurvedic hospital in kerala for classical panchakarma treatment
Daily yoga sessions of an expert yoga guru
All our attendants and therapists are certified as well as given in-house training by our Doctors to learn our way of therapies
In-house kitchen team serves the best authentic, healthy and fresh ayurvedic food
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Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 6860000
Dheemahi Ayurvedic Centre, Near Neelimangalam Bridge, Kumaranaloor, Perumbaikad.P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 686016
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Ayurvedic Pregnancy Care Treatment in Kerala