Best Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment In Kerala

One of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala for obesity ayurvedic treatment

One of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala for obesity ayurvedic treatment

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Best Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment In Kerala

Obesity is a significant health issue in today’s world, often stemming from our busy, sedentary lifestyles, lack of physical activity, and unhealthy eating habits. It’s not just a health concern on its own but also a warning sign for several other serious conditions, including PCOD in females, thyroid problems, liver disorders, and diabetes. 

What is  Obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition where a person has an excessive amount of body fat. It typically occurs when individuals consume more calories than their bodies can burn, leading to the storage of these excess calories as fat. It’s often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, characterized by overeating and limited physical activity. Obesity is measured by using a tool called Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by a person’s weight divided by height. Mainly BMI of  a person is 30 or higher is generally considered indicative of obesity.

Types of Obesity 

  • Class I obesity: is defined by a Body Mass Index (BMI) ranging from 30 to less than 35 kg/m².
  • Class II obesity: is said to be a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI)  falls within the range of 35 to less than 40 kg/m².
  • Class III obesity: a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI) falls at 40 kg/m² or higher.

In these categories, Class III obesity is more likely to cause various health problems

Obesity can have serious health consequences, including heart disease, diabetes, and joint pain. It is often caused by a combination of factors, such as poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and genetic predisposition. Maintaining a healthy weight through balanced eating and regular physical activity is crucial for preventing and managing obesity. 

Best Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment In Kerala

What Causes Obesity According To  Ayurveda

Ayurveda defines Atisthaulya (Obesity) as the excessive accumulation of both Medas (fat/adipose tissue) and Mamsa (flesh/muscle tissue), resulting in a soft and flabby appearance in the hip, abdominal, and breast areas. It is classified as a Santarpanottha Vikara (a disorder caused by the excessive consumption of calories) in Ayurveda. Medodushti (imbalances in fat metabolism) is considered a potential risk factor for Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD).


  • Excessive consumption of calorie-dense foods rich in fats and carbohydrates (Sleshma Ahara seva )
  • Overindulgence in eating and irregular dietary habits.
  • Sedentary lifestyles with insufficient physical activity. (Avyayama)
  • Genetic predisposition, endocrine disorders, medical conditions, or psychiatric issues.
  • Daytime sleeping habits (Divaswapnam)

While discussing Atisthaulya (Obesity)we want to know about seven Dhatus (Seven tissues) like,

  1. Rasa Dhatus (Nutritive part of Digestive food)
  2. Raktha Dhatus (Blood)
  3. Mamsa Dhatus (Muscle tissue)
  4. Medas Dhatus (Fat tissue) 
  5. Asthi Dhatus (Bone tissue) 
  6. Majja Dhatus (Bone marrow)
  7. Sukra Dhatus (Sperm and Ovum) 

According to Ayurveda, the process of nourishment within the body involves a sequential transformation of one Dhatu (tissue) into the next. In the case of obesity, there is a disruption in the normal flow of this transformation.

Typically, food nourishes the Rasa Dhatu (nutritive part of digested food), which then nourishes the Rakta Dhatu (blood). The Rakta Dhatu, in turn, supports the nourishment of Mamsa (muscle tissue) and subsequent Dhatus (tissues).

In obesity, the issue arises when the nourishment meant for Asthi (bone tissue) is hampered. This leads to an excessive accumulation of Medas (fat tissue), but this fat tissue is not effectively transformed into Asti (bone tissue), Majja (bone marrow), and Sukra (sperm and ovum). The imbalance in this transformation process contributes to the increased production of fat tissue without the corresponding conversion into other essential tissues.

Benefits of  Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment

Ayurveda can effectively manage the condition of obesity without any side effects. In Ayurveda treatment of obesity is based on proper analysis and examination of patient by an Ayurveda physician. Depending upon the condition it may vary from person to person. For example, PCOD patients have weight gain problems, in this condition without proper diagnosis and analysis you start to take weight loss treatment it won’t help you.  Ayurveda says that if there is a Cause there will be an effect, so first we treat your PCOD that is your cause then we can reduce your weight.

In Ayurveda along with medication, Ayurveda suggest you to follow a good diet and proper lifestyle along with medication.

Best Ayurvedic obesity treatment in Kerala

Panchakarma Treatment for Obesity

According to Ayurveda obesity (Athisthaulya) can treat by two ways 

  1. Samana Chiktsa (Conservative Management)
  2. Sodhana Chikitsa (Purification Treatment )

Samana Chiktsa (Conservative Management)

It is mainly done by,

  • Langhan (Fasting)
  • Ama Pachan (Digestive Enhancement)
  • By means of internal medication like,
    1. Kashaya 
    2. Gulika 
    3. Choornam 

    External body treatments like,

    • Udwarthanam(Powder Massage)
    • Abhyanga (Massage)
    • Elakizhi 
    • Pizhichil 

    Sodhana Chikitsa (Purification Treatment ) 

    Is done by Five Cleansing Procedures in case of obesity (Athisthaulya) treatment is plan only after the proper consultation by an Ayurveda physician 

    1. Vamana (Therapeutic emesis)
    2. Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
    3. Basti – 2 type 
    • Anuvasana Basthi (Oil Enema)
    • Niruha Basti (Decoction Enema)

    especially Lekhana Basti 

    Vamana (Therapeutic emesis)
    It is one of the panchakarma.  Ideal and best for the elimination of Kapha dosha.

    Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)

    It is one of the panchakarma.  Ideal and best for the elimination of pitta dosha.

    Orally administered medicine acts on internal physiology and expels the toxins and wastes that occur as the bowel passes multiple times.

    Basti (Enema)

    Basti (enema) treatment is considered to be a prime treatment among the Panchakarma.

    In which the drugs are administered through the anal route.

    Recommended Yoga Asanas for Obesity

    Along with the treatment practice of yoga has a crucial role in the management of obesity,

    Some yoga asanas you can practise

    • Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

    Practising this yoga asana will help to improve your

    1. Improve your muscle strength 
    2. Helps to reduce your belly fat
    3. Improve body circulation 
    • Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose)

    Practising this yoga asana will help to improve your

    1. Improve your muscle strength
    2. Reduce belly fat 
    • Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

    While practising this yoga asana 

    1. Improve your blood circulation 
    2. Improve your metabolism 
    3. Helps to reduce your weight 
    4. Strengthening the muscles in the thighs and hamstrings 
    • Sarvangasanam (Shoulder Stand)

    This pose will help you to 

    1. Improve your digestion 
    2. Improve your strength of Abdominal muscle
    3. Helps in balancing thyroid level
    • Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

    Is a yoga asana that primarily helps to 

    1. Reduce your back pain 
    2. Regulate thyroid level 
    3. Improve your metabolism 
    • Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)
    1. Improve flexibility and strength.
    2. Promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
    3. Stimulate your digestive system. 
    4. Helps to reduce your weight.

    But one thing that all the above yoga asanas should be practised under the strict guidance of a yoga instructor. 

    Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Cure Obesity

    Maintaining a good diet and lifestyle style is so important in the case of obesity. According to Ayurveda Obesity means Athisthoulya is caused due to excessive accumulation of medas in the body leads to vitiation Kapha etc Doshas. 


    1. Consuming foods that are low-calorie and low-fat.
    2. Intake of Buttermilk instead of curd.
    3. Include cabbage in daily meals. It will help to stop the conversion of sugars to fat.
    4. Take Healthy foods such as oatmeal, walnuts, salads, bitter gourd, drumstick, barley, wheat, Green gram (Moong dal), honey, Indian Gooseberry (Amla), pomegranate (Anar), snake gourd, etc.,
    5. Eat at regular time schedule or Small meals at regular intervals is better than big meals 2 or 3 times a day.
    6. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
    7. Drink a spoonful of honey and lemon juice on an empty stomach.


    1. Avoid oily and junk foods.
    2. Avoid sweats etc
    3. High carbohydrate vegetables like – potato, rice etc
    4. Salty foods or excessive salt in meals.

    Lifestyle modifications such as,

    1. Mild to Moderate exercise according to individual capacity
    2. A regular habit of morning brisk for 30 minutes
    3. Avoid sedentary lifestyle habits
    4. Avoid excessive sleep
    5. Avoid alcohol and smoking.

    How Much Does Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment  Cost

    You might have invested a substantial amount in obesity treatment without achieving the desired results, it’s important to understand that the root cause of obesity can differ from person to person. Therefore, it is crucial to have a detailed consultation with an Ayurveda physician to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your specific condition. When we talk about treatment and cost it may vary from person to person that can vary from person to person.

    If you opt for a comprehensive package will ensure that all the necessary treatments are included to address your unique condition effectively.

    Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment at Dheemahi Ayurveda

    Dheemahi Ayurveda is dedicated to prioritizing patient health and well-being through a rich tradition of Ayurvedic wisdom passed down through five generations. Our team comprises expert doctors who are committed to your health journey. Dheemahi Ayurveda is an authentic and traditional Ayurveda Hospital.

    With daily consultations we provide more reliability as by doing physical examinations, doctors can get more findings about the condition of the patient.

    For chronic diseases – routine follow-up check-up is also an essential requirement which cannot be ignored. In the case of therapies needed for the relief of the symptoms, the supervision of a doctor is very much important. Dheemahi facilitates the supervision of our doctors in every Panchakarma therapies with exact documentation of your treatment schedule.

    Get your online medical consultation with an expert doctor before booking.

    The unique approach involves a series of discussion during your initial decision-making process to make sure that we will be able to match your expectations with our treatment. Based on the discussions with you our team of expert doctors will design the best treatment package personalized for your needs.

    How our booking process works


    Medical Questionnaire

    Fill our Medical Questionnaire, after that we will get back to you via email/phone.


    Discussion with Doctor

    Discuss your health condition and expectations with our doctor.


    Important Information

    Carefully read all the important information.




    Confirm the booking by making a payment of 50% advance.

    Dheemahi Ayurveda centre is recognized by Government of Kerala

    The medicines we use comes from our own GMP certified herbal pharmacy.

    One of the best ayurvedic hospital in kerala for classical panchakarma treatment

    Daily yoga sessions of an expert yoga guru

    All our attendants and therapists are certified as well as given in-house training by our Doctors to learn our way of therapies

    In-house kitchen team serves the best authentic, healthy and fresh ayurvedic food

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    In house training sessions led by doctors on ayurveda lifestyle

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    Dheemahi Ayurvedic Village, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 6860000

    Dheemahi Ayurvedic Centre, Near Neelimangalam Bridge, Kumaranaloor, Perumbaikad.P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 686016

    Call Us Anytime: +91 80 4717 2727

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