The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Panchakarma Dr. Athul B.A.M.S FollowFollowFollow Unveiling Serenity: The Mental and Emotional Benefits of Panchakarma Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system that originated in India. It emphasises achieving a balance...
Panchakarma for Mind, Body, and Spirit: Exploring its Holistic Benefits Dr. Vishnu B.A.M.S FollowFollowFollow Balancing Doshas: Panchakarma’s Impact on Ayurvedic Principles In Ayurveda, our bodies are made up of three energies called doshas: vatta, pitta, and...
Unlocking the Secrets of Panchakarma: A Comprehensive Guide Dr. Athul B.A.M.S FollowFollowFollow Origins and Philosophy of Panchakarma Panchakarma is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy that aims to cleanse and rejuvenate the body and mind. The word “Pancha”...
Women’s Health and Panchakarma: A Comprehensive Guide Dr. Vishnu B.A.M.S FollowFollowFollow Ayurveda recognizes women’s health as multifaceted, shaped by hormonal fluctuations, reproductive cycles, and emotional well-being. Addressing common health...
Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle: Well-Being Through Ayurveda Dr.Vishnu B.A.M.S FollowFollowFollow The Ayurvedic approach to food and nutrition revolves around adhering to principles that prioritize prevention and treatment of illness by fostering harmony among the mind,...
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